Ball Valve Applications And Advantages

Ball Valve Applications And Advantages

This straight-through, quarter-turn valve has a spherical closure with a bore that acts as a seal preventing fluid flow. We called it the Ball Valve because of the ball with a bore acting as the main component. Ball Valves are ideal for applications where you need a quick shut-off of fluids. You know you have to rotate a general tap several times to shut off the water flow. But when you rotate the handle of a Ball Valve through a 90 degrees angle, it shuts off the fluid flow quickly. Also, it’s used for applications where you need a tight shut-off.


Advantages of Ball Valves:

*Superior ease of operation is the top advantage of this valve type. As mentioned, it’s a quarter-turn valve, so just by rotating the handle through a 90 degrees angle, you can shut-off the fluid flow very easily. Therefore, widely used for industrial applications such as oil and gas plants.

* Ball Valves that are made of different materials can withstand high-volume, high-temperature, and high-pressure. For high-temperature applications, metal Valves are used. Also, for low-pressure, low-temperature, and low-volume applications; PVC valves can be used. Which means compared to other valve types, you can use this valve type for many serious applications.

* Due to rugged construction and materials used, a Ball Valve will serve you for a long time without any hassle. PVC valves won’t get corroded under moisture environments. Also, due to its rugged construction; it can handle high-pressure, high-temperature, and high-volume. The world’s largest Ball Valve is used for an offshore water line in Dubai.

* When compared to its rugged construction and applications, its purchase and maintenance costs are very low.

* You can repair the valve easily (other than the single body type.) Also, don’t need lubrication.

Ball Valve Applications: Fire-safe protection services, flowing systems on ships, and chlorine manufacturers often used these valves.

Ball Valve

* Pipelines: An essential to transfer a medium from one place to another. For example, water, gas, and oil. Valves optimize the operating conditions of a pipeline. Most of the offshore and onshore valves have Ball Valves fixed to control the flow  As you can see in the picture, a Ball Valve is a top choice for high-pressure applications.

* Oil and Gas: Every gas and oil plants have many pipelines that extend for many miles, and valves are used to control the flow. The valves used in these plants should be able to withstand high temperatures up to 1,500°F and high pressures up to 25,000 psi. So, can you use a general valve type for such applications?  this picture is a good example of robustness of Ball Valves used for high-pressure applications.

* Marine Industry: A large number of heavy-duty valves can be seen on a ship. The size of the valves mostly depends on the size of the ship. the picture is a section of a big ship, and you can see the use of valves on it.

Some final words: As explained in the article, Ball Valve come with many advantages over other valve types. Widely used in many industries where robustness is a must. A very durable valve type, which is easy to maintain due to robustness.

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